Explore Jewish films from around the world, from new releases to restored classics, narratives to documentaries, in this weekly film class. Following each screening, Gerard Amsellem will facilitate a discussion.
Yves Jeuland's sweeping new documentary explores the rich and complex history of Jews in France, the first country to grant Jews citizenship. Beginning with Revolutionary cries of Vive la France in Yiddish, the film explores the explosive Dreyfus Affair, the Vichy government's collaboration with the Nazis, and the absorption of Sephardic Jews from Arab countries in the decades after WWII. Being Jewish in France confidently continues into the 21st century, investigating charges of rising antisemitism and the county's complex attitudes toward Israel.
For more information and to enroll, visit the JCC Metro West website or download the poster. Screenings are held in the Maurice Levin Theater, Leon & Toby Cooperman Building, at the JCC in West Orange.